This is the time of the year we honor and celebrate the kids on the Fort Peck Reservation. The dates are August 12th and 13th. We’re not just making promises; we are keeping our word.
There will be lots of fun, food, activities, games, and social interaction.
We’re looking forward to seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces and hearing them squeal with delight as they partake in all of the planned activities. There will be plenty of good times that will fill the kids’ hearts as much as the all-you-can-eat food will fill their stomachs.
One constant these kids can depend on is Love Has No Color will be there, bringing love, hope, and joy.
There are many excuses, ranging from the high prices for airfare to Covid that can be used for not being there. But when you really get down to it, the people that are meant to be there will be there.
You see, the kids can’t wait.
They can’t afford to miss the critical connection of people who give a damn outside the Reservation.
It’s an example the world could follow.
Family and loved ones can’t always offer what a kid needs.
We help kids of all kinds without discrimination: Native Americans, Asians, Caucasians, Blacks, it matters not.
They are all welcome and will be loved.
Love has no color and it’s time the world understands this.