The dates for the 2020 Fun Days/Boot Camp at Fork Peck have been announced! Make sure to mark these dates off and don’t let anything interfere or distract you from participating this year.
A wise person once told me that there are two different types of people. Some people can hear about those in need, cry a few tears, wail and gnash their teeth about the injustice but then not do anything about it. They lament, “I’d like to help but it’s not my problem!”
Then there is a group of people who stop their lives to help those in need. They come from all different backgrounds, rich or poor, but all feel the same calling to help out.
For the last 15 years and counting, thousands of people have been introduced to Love Has No Color. This group has helped out many kids on the Fort Peck Reservation.
Residents of the Reservation make sure their kids are around for the Fun Days in Wolf Point and Poplar and even help us with our day of community service on Saturday.
Teachers remind the kids with the start of summer vacation the dates of Fun Days.
Chiropractors, Naturopaths, their staffs, and families from across the US and Canada attend each summer.
Individual donors, civic groups, and churches do their part with generous donations all year-round.
Kenny Smoker, Dr. Megan, HPDP, law enforcement agencies, and others all pitch in to make this the event of the season.
We’ll see you there!