Snapsport Fundraiser
We built a court. So now what?
With the help of LHNC Volunteers, our partnership with SnapSports Montana, and the people of The Assiniboine/Sioux tribes, we completed our first step in our fitness initiative by building the most modern and safe court that has ever been seen on the Fort Peck Reservation. We are hopeful that the court will be a place for these children to play without the fear of gangs or the threat of alcohol. We want this court to be a place of fun, where kids are encouraged to be just that: kids.
Many people travel great distances to help kids, destinations include African countries like Zimbabwe, Somalia, Congo, and more. Love Has No Color is focused on helping children living in third world conditions right here on American soil. There is nothing more disturbing or appalling than discovering children living in squalor right here in our own country. The goal of Love Has No Color projects is to engage the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the Native American youth.
Although we've completed the court and the big push for the fundraiser has drawn to a close, we still want to encourage people to stay involved and continue to donate. The court was simply the first step in creating the "new normal" of health and fitness on the reservation. We're so grateful to everyone who donated their time and money, and we're excited for people to continue to donate so we can keep adding to and improving our initiative.
We hope to continue building courts similar to this one and are planning on expanding our efforts exponentially! Join us!